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Compra de participação maioritária no Greater Sunrise "é histórica" para Timor-Leste
Promulga OJE 2018, PR Lú Olo husu Governu rigor iha ezekusaun

Ai-han Timor Nian
Apresentacao do Orcamento Geral do Estado 2018 - PM Taur Matan Rual
Timor Leste - Ekonomi
Bagaimana Ekonomi Timor Leste Setelah 16 Tahun Merdeka?
Timor Leste - Hutang
Akankah Timor Leste Menjadi Perangkap Utang China Berikutnya?
Timor Leste - Public Finances
Sustainable public finances ‘key to Timor-Leste’s future’
Timor-Leste - Banco Mundial
Governo timorense quer Banco Mundial focado em infraestruturas e capital humano

sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Pertamina Ekspor Perdana Aspal ke Timor Leste

Ilustrasi Aspal. (Foto: Reuters)
GRESIK - PT Pertamina (Persero) melakukan ekspor perdana aspal ke Timor Leste sebanyak 645 drum atau setara 100 Matric Ton (MT) melalui Biutmen Plant di Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur, Jumat.

Vice President Petrochemical Supriyanto Dwi Utomo mengatakan ekspor ini adalah kali pertama dilakukan Pertamina, sebab sebelumnya produksi aspal Pertamina hanya untuk memenuhi pasar dalam negeri.

"Kami harapkan dengan ekspor perdana ke Timor Leste, ke depan Pertamina bisa mengambil 20 persen 'market share' produk aspal di negara tersebut yang potensi kebutuhannya mencapai 1.000 hingga 3.000 MT per tahun," ucap Supriyanto, usai acara pengiriman aspal di Gresik.

Ia mengatakan, secara nasional Pertamina masih menjadi pemimpin pasar dalam negeri dengan dua infrastruktur kilang yakni di Cilacap dengan kapasitas 360.000 MT per tahun dan Bituman Plant di Kabupaten Gresik dengan kapasitas 16.000 MT per tahun.

"Keberadaan kilang itu ditambah dengan sejumlah terminal curah dan 41 mitra agen yang bekerja sama dengan Pertamina di seluruh Indonesia," katanya.

Sementara itu General Manager Pertamina Marketing Operation Region V Jatim Ageng Giriyono mengatakan bisnis aspal di Indonesia sangat penuh tantangan.

Meski demikian, kata Ageng, Pertamina masih menjadi pemimpin pasar, sehingga menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri karena fungsi aspal dapat membantu membuka akses ekonomi bagi bangsa Indonesia.

Ageng mengatakan Pertamina di region V yang meliputi Jawa Tengah, Bali, NTB, NTT Sulawesi, Maluku dan Papua mampu menguasai 56 persen pasar aspal.

Sementara secara nasional, kebutuhan aspal mencapai sekitar 1,2 juta hingga 1,4 juta ton per tahun, dan Pertamina mampu memenuhi 45 hingga 50 persen.

"Sisa kekurangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional kita lakukan impor, meski demikian kita masih sanggup untuk ekspor. Dan kita harapkan eskpor ini bukan yang pertama dan terakhir, namun bisa berlanjut," katanya.


Pertamina Ekspor Perdana Aspal ke Timor Leste

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2016

Kacific brings fast, low cost broadband to Timor-Leste

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Kacific Broadband Satellites today announced a US$21 million supply agreement with Timor-Leste company GardaMor Security Ltda. The agreement will provide low-cost high-speed broadband internet to the people, enterprises and institutions of Timor-Leste.

Kacific will beam signals from its high throughput (HTS) Ka-band satellites to cover the whole of Timor-Leste, while today broadband access is mostly restricted to the capital city, Dili. Customers from GardaMor Security will be able to enjoy affordable high speed internet by installing a small (75cm to 1.2m diameter) inexpensive VSAT terminal, even in the remote communities of this mountainous country.

The Kacific service will immediately solve the connectivity problem for Timor-Leste, without the need for any major infrastucture roll out. The HTS service and VSAT terminals on the ground will provide good network quality at a price that the people of Timor-Leste can afford.

"The signing of the agreement with Kacific means that we Timorese can work for the effective development of our country," says Mr Eduardo Belo Soares / GATTOT, CEO and Founder of GardaMor Security Ltda.

"A good internet connection means prosperity, equality and an open vision about the world where we live."

Since its independence in 2002, Timor-Leste has made good progress in health, education and economic growth, but poverty rates remain high, particularly in rural areas, where the majority of the population lives.

A number of challenges remain, including rebuilding the country’s infrastructure, which was badly damaged during the transition to independence. Broadband connectivity remains a major issue with no fiber cable connecting the country and very little telecom distribution infrastructure outside Dili.

Timor-Leste has a very young population (60% of the population is under 25), so providing quality education and meaningful opportunities to young people is an ongoing struggle. There is heavy pressure from the young population to access the internet.

"I believe that this agreement will have an explosive effect on internet usage in Timor-Leste," says Christian Patouraux, CEO of Kacific.

"It will become a key driver of social capital improvement for the country, providing opportunities for better healthcare, education and quality of life. The service will open up opportunities to government and enterprises to provide important services to regions of Timor-Leste that would otherwise by under-served."

"Affordable internet connectivity is exactly what we need in Timor-Leste," says Mr Eduardo Belo Soares / GATTOT.

"In remote areas it is important to have internet access. We need to put students and teachers in contact with other national students and teachers and with the world. We need to get doctors talking with other doctors when roads and distance make it too dangerous to move high-risk patients."

"I hope to achieve sustained and integrated development for the whole nation of Timor-Leste," continues Mr Eduardo Belo Soares / GATTOT.

"I hope to create more jobs, with better salaries and to provide local communities with the opportunity to create their own business. A fast affordable internet connection will enable local businesses to show the world what they can do and to participate in global markets."

Mr. Patouraux adds that connectivity is also a crucial part in responding to and recovering from natural disasters.

"Broadband allows emergency services to quickly identify people and villages in danger, even in remote regions. We can help make emergency planning and disaster recovery programmes more effective."

Kacific now has over US$200 million of bandwidth in signed commitments from nations throughout the Pacific and south east Asia. It will start delivering services to customers this year.

Source: http://www.voxy.co.nz/business/5/249837

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2016

Petrolífera timorense, Timor Gap, primeira organização com certificações internacionais ISO

Timor Gap
A petrolífera timorense, Timor Gap, tornou-se a primeira organização do país a conseguir certificação nos três padrões da Organização Internacional para Padronização (ISSO) nas áreas de qualidade, saúde, segurança e ambiente.

A certificação nas quatro áreas, conhecida pela sigla inglesa QHSE, pretende comprovar a gestão empresarial responsável das empresas e parte do princípio que os acidentes de trabalho são provocados por erros humanos.

Na prática, a certificação QHSE abrange áreas como a promoção do bem-estar e qualidade de vida dos profissionais, a criação de um ambiente de trabalho seguro saúde, proporcionar formação continua, proteger o meio ambiente e otimizar a utilização dos recursos naturais.

Rony da Costa, diretor de QHSE da Timor Gap, explicou à Lusa que a certificação conclui um processo que durou cerca de um ano em que os cerca de 100 funcionários da petrolífera foram preparados.

"É um passo muito importante que afeta todos os sistemas e a forma como a Timor Gap vai trabalhar a partir de agora", disse.

Costa sublinhou que esta certificação é particularmente importante dado o risco inerente ao setor de petróleo e gás, e que permite que a Timor Gap passe a funcionar com um sistema integrado de gestão.

"É um sistema que aplicamos na gestão de todos os projetos", disse, dando como exemplo o grande projeto do desenvolvimento do sul de Timor, Tasi Mane, na área do petróleo e gás natural.

Algo significativo por ser conduzido por timorenses - 98% dos funcionários da Timor Gap são timorenses - e que ajuda a credibilizar a petrolífera timorense junto de investidores internacionais.

A certificação foi fornecida pela empresa DNV GL, empresa que opera em mais de 100 países e com mais de 16 mil profissionais dedicados a fornecer serviços de classificação, certificação, verificação e formação.

A cerimónia de certificação decorre na quinta-feira em Díli com a presença do presidente da Timor Gap, Francisco Monteiro e do primeiro-ministro Rui Maria de Araújo.



sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2016

Future bright for Timor-Leste with hatchery opening

Hatchery opening signals future
for aquaculture in Timor-Leste
A new hatchery has been unveiled in Timor-Lester as a crucial part of its National Aquaculture Development Strategy (2012-2030).

The plan aims to reduce undernourishment by increasing the consumption of fish per capita from 6-15kg by 2020.

Hatchery for Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) was developed as part of the US$4m Partnership for Aquaculture Development in Timor-Leste project.

“Aquaculture is one of New Zealand’s most important areas of activity in Timor-Leste. It has the potential to dramatically increase the amount of protein available to family, and help farmers improve the viability of their business,” said Jonathan Schwass, ambassador of New Zealand.

GIFT was first supplied to Timor-Leste in April 2015 when stock was sent from WorldFish headquarters in Malaysia to the Gleno Fish Hatchery in Ermera.

WorldFish developed the GIFT strain, which thrives in a wide range of environments and can grow 50-80% faster than other strains of non-improved fish.

It is currently produced in 14 countries and has a lower carbon footprint than either beef or pork. As well as being an affordable source of heart friendly omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients that are vital for childhood development and pregnant mothers.

H. E. Estanislau da Silva, minister of agriculture and fisheries, said: “Aquaculture development is one of the top priorities for this government.”

“And tilapia, in particular, holds great potential because of its versatility, nutritional qualities and potential to address the availability of fish, in particular for resource poor communities.”

The hatchery has the potential of producing up to 5m fish fry per year. This fry can then be supplied to support Timor-Leste’s burgeoning aquaculture industry and proceeds can be ploughed back into the hatchery for running costs and development.

“Timor-Leste has in place an ambitious business plan to build the aquaculture sector and this hatchery will play a pivotal role in the supply of good quality brood stock and seed that will ensure that some of those key goals can be met,” added Nigel Preston, WorldFish director general.

He concluded: “With aquaculture providing such promise in improving food and nutrition security for the Timorese, WorldFish remains fully committed to supporting the growth of the sector.”

- See more at: http://www.worldfishing.net/news101/industry-news/future-bright-for-timor-leste-with-hatchery-opening#sthash.SwdsLUVm.dpuf


quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016

Timor-Leste terminou 2015 com saldo público de 471,8 milhões de dólares

Loron Economico
As contas públicas timorenses terminaram 2015 com um excedente de 471,8 milhões de dólares, em grande parte devido à "forte posição fiscal" do Fundo Petrolífero e do Fundo de Doadores, segundo um relatório do Ministério das Finanças.

O boletim trimestral fiscal do Ministério das Finanças relativo ao terceiro trimestre de 2015, publicado na página do Ministério das Finanças, explica que se fosse excluído o Fundo Petrolífero (FP), principal fonte de receita pública, Timor-Leste tinha terminado 2015 com um défice de 835,9 milhões de dólares.

Segundo o relatório, 2015 terminou com uma "capacidade líquida de empréstimo de 123,7 milhões de dólares" que foi "investida em ativos financeiros do FP".

As receitas petrolíferas do Estado timorense foram de 1.305,6 milhões de dólares no ano passado, a que se somam 139,1 milhões de dólares do Fundo de Doadores e 122,2 milhões de dólares de receitas não petrolíferas.

Em termos globais, o Estado retirou do FP 1.278,5 milhões de dólares, dos quais 638,5 milhões correspondem ao valor de Rendimento Sustentável Estimado (RSE) e os restantes 640 milhões são levantamentos acima desse valor sustentável.

Os impostos representaram a maior fatia das receitas não petrolíferas (72,1%).

Os impostos sobre rendimentos subiram 0,73%, para 53,3 milhões, os impostos sobre bens e serviços caíram 5,4%, para 60,2 milhões de dólares, e os impostos sobre comércio internacional caíram 9,5%, para 12,1 milhões de dólares.

No capítulo das outras receitas foram contabilizados 47,4 milhões de dólares provenientes de receitas imobiliárias (que mais do que duplicaram, de 3,4 em 2014, para 8,7 milhões em 2015). Houve também um aumento de 16,6% em vendas de bens e serviços, nomeadamente taxas de tribunais, receitas médicas e hospitalares, licenças e outras.

No capítulo das despesas, o Estado timorense gastou 1.142,9 milhões de dólares no ano passado.

Os gastos com salários aumentaram 6%, de 168,6 para 178,7 milhões de dólares, com bens e serviços caíram 55,5 milhões, para 389,7 milhões e com benefícios sociais aumentaram 48,8%, para 173,6 milhões. Outros gastos aumentaram 44,7%, para 263,9%, em parte devido ao maior apoio a organizações da sociedade civil.

Os gastos do FD alcançaram os 121,6 milhões - 16,1 milhões em salários, 48,7 milhões em bens e serviços e 56,7 milhões noutros gastos.

As despesas do FP alcançaram os 1.293,9 milhões de dólares, dos quais 15,4 milhões corresponderam a despesas de gestão do fundo e 1.278,5 milhões foram transferidos para o Governo.

Segundo o boletim, as quatro áreas mais importantes de despesas do Governo em 2015 foram Assuntos Económicos, Serviços Públicos Gerais, Proteção Social e Educação.

"Assuntos Económicos representou 30,7% das despesas, a maior de todas as categorias, o que reflete o compromisso do Governo em projetos de infraestruturas ao longo de 2015, especialmente no setor dos transportes e eletricidade", refere o boletim.

Os serviços gerais representaram 28,7% do total das despesas em 2015, incluindo-se nesta categoria as transferências para a Região Administrativa Especial de Oe-Cusse Ambeno e a zona especial de economia de mercado social de Oe-Cusse Ambeno e Ataúro.

Os gastos com educação (11,1% do total das despesas) centraram-se em particular no ensino primário e básico.

As pensões dos veteranos e outras formas de assistência rreceberam a maior fatia dos gastos em proteção social, que ascenderam a 13,8% do total das despesas para 2015.

Lusa 06 Abr, 2016, 07:06 | Economia

segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2016

Timor-Leste Growth Likely to Accelerate in 2016 on Rising Investment - ADB Report

Asian Development Bank’s (ADB)
The FINANCIAL -- Economic growth is likely to accelerate in 2016 and 2017 on rising public and private investment, says the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) new Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2016 report.

ADO, ADB’s flagship annual economic publication forecasts GDP growth to reach 4.5% in 2016, rising to 5.5% in 2017. Inflation is projected to increase modestly to 2% in 2016 and 3% in 2017 as the deflationary effects of the strong dollar and low commodity prices ease.

“While the economic outlook for Timor-Leste remains bright, the country is facing declining oil royalties and this highlights the need to diversify the economy,” said Shane Rosenthal, ADB’s Country Director in Timor-Leste. “Timor-Leste’s growing youth population brings about a real opportunity to raise long-term growth prospects by investing in human capital and encouraging broader participation in the labor market.”

A public-private partnership to build a new international seaport west of Dili is expected to break ground in 2017 and require an investment of about $290 million, more than half of which will be financed by the private sector. The government is planning major investments in other economic infrastructure, the report says.

ADO notes that private sector development remains a focus for the Government of Timor-Leste as it aims to complete ambitious reforms to improve the business-enabling environment and stimulate financial sector development before national elections in mid-2017.

Since Timor-Leste became an ADB member in 2002, it has received six grants from the Trust Fund for East Timor ($52.8 million); five Asian Development Fund (ADF) grants ($85 million): and 41 technical assistance (TA) projects ($35.82 million). The country has also received five loans totaling $90 +11.78 million, which together with four ADF grants ($75 million) and ten TA projects ($24.64 million) are currently active.


sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

New Fish Hatchery to Strengthen Aquaculture in Timor-Leste

Estanislau da Silva
Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
TIMOR LESTE - A new fish hatchery has been opened in Timor-Leste as part of its National Aquaculture Development Strategy (2012–2030), which aims to reduce undernourishment by increasing per capita consumption of fish from 6 to 15 kg by 2020.

As part of the USD 4 million ‘Partnership for Aquaculture Development in Timor-Leste’ project, the hatchery for Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) was inaugurated by H. E. Estanislau da Silva, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, and Ambassador of New Zealand, Jonathan Schwass.

GIFT was first supplied to Timor-Leste in April 2015 when 10,200 brood stock were sent from WorldFish Headquarters, Penang Malaysia to the Gleno Fish Hatchery in Ermera.

In parallel the construction and refurbishment of the new hatchery at Gleno was undertaken, with work completed in December 2015 and operations starting from early January 2016.

WorldFish developed the GIFT strain, which thrives in a wide range of environments and can grow 50-80 per cent faster than other strains of non-improved fish. It is currently produced in 14 countries, requires no antibiotics and has a lower carbon footprint than either beef or pork. From a nutritional point of view it is an affordable source of heart friendly omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients that are vital for childhood development and pregnant mothers.

In view of the need to make this a sustainable enterprise, emphasis is given to capacity building and together with the Asian Institute of Technology and WorldFish, a business plan has been developed.

Now the hatchery has the potential of producing up to 5 million fish fry per year. Fry can, in turn, be supplied to support Timor-Leste’s burgeoning aquaculture industry and proceeds can be ploughed back into the hatchery for running costs and development.

Its systematic brood stock management and fingerling production system underpins a key aim of the new hatchery, which is to maintain the genetic integrity of the brood stock thereby ensuring that the inherent productivity gains are preserved.

Ambassador of New Zealand, Jonathan Schwass: “Aquaculture is one of New Zealand’s most important areas of activity in Timor-Leste. It has the potential to dramatically increase the amount of protein available to families, and help farmers improve the viability of their businesses.”

H. E. Estanislau da Silva, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries: “Aquaculture development is one of the top priorities for this government. And tilapia, in particular, holds great potential because of its versatility, nutritional qualities and potential to address the availability of fish, in particular for resource poor communities.”

Director General, WorldFish, Nigel Preston: “Timor-Leste has in place an ambitious business plan to build the aquaculture sector and this hatchery will play a pivotal role in the supply of good quality brood stock and seed that will ensure that some of those key goals can be met. With aquaculture providing such promise in improving food and nutrition security for the Timorese, WorldFish remains fully committed to supporting the growth of the sector.”

The New Zealand Aid Programme funded ‘Partnership for Aquaculture Development in Timor-Leste’ project has been and will continue working to develop the Timor-Leste fish farming industry, carry out training, improve planning, develop seed and feed supply systems and help to connect fish growers to markets. The project is led by the National Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NDFA) with assistance from New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA), WorldFish, and Tisbe.

01 April 2016
TheFishSite News Desk