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Compra de participação maioritária no Greater Sunrise "é histórica" para Timor-Leste
Promulga OJE 2018, PR Lú Olo husu Governu rigor iha ezekusaun

Ai-han Timor Nian
Apresentacao do Orcamento Geral do Estado 2018 - PM Taur Matan Rual
Timor Leste - Ekonomi
Bagaimana Ekonomi Timor Leste Setelah 16 Tahun Merdeka?
Timor Leste - Hutang
Akankah Timor Leste Menjadi Perangkap Utang China Berikutnya?
Timor Leste - Public Finances
Sustainable public finances ‘key to Timor-Leste’s future’
Timor-Leste - Banco Mundial
Governo timorense quer Banco Mundial focado em infraestruturas e capital humano

quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2014

Over-reliance on oil and gas threatens East Timor's economy

Biswas: 'Due to impact of protracted conflict, East Timor has faced difficulties in addressing high levels of poverty and malnutrition'
In the 12 years since independence, East Timor has experienced strong economic growth. But high inflation, unemployment and an over-reliance on gas reserves still plague the young nation, analyst Rajiv Biswas tells DW.

In May 2002, the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste - better known as East Timor - became the youngest country in Asia to gain independence following a war with Indonesia. Violence had left the country and families torn apart, nearly 70 per cent of all buildings, homes and schools destroyed, and an estimated 75 per cent of the population was displaced, according to the World Bank. Click here...

Read more:
» Over-reliance on oil and gas threatens East Timor's economy
Source: http://www.dw.de/over-reliance-on-oil-and-gas-threatens-east-timors-economy/a-17868268